Hello! I'm going to blog about my adventures in learning how to run hoping that blogging will somehow motivate me to continue to move forward - much like a gold star!
Also I have a spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet. To keep track of my progress.
Maybe I'll get gold stars as well... Time will tell.
My goal? To run the hood-to-coast at under a 9:30/mile per minute pace. Oy.
I've staggered my way through the 2005 marathon, but I didn't have much of a pacing goal... so I think I ended up somewhere in the 12 minute/mile range. Yes, I'm that slow (thus "The Tortiose" title).
Aaand that's it. Unless you count putting together Ikea furtinure occasionally a sport.
So you can see I've got a bit of an uphill battle. Literally as well as figuratively... Hood to Coast will take me over some hills. Hmmm.
Tonight! I start my adventure by eating tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich with my boyfriend! (Don't judge, I left my sneakers at home today.) (OH! And my sports bra... well... sports bras. I usually wear two whilst running to try to get my boobehs to move as little as possible) (which never really works, they bounce around so much - that sometimes they smack me on my chin... ugh) (I actually told someone that once... an older lady... she told me at least they weren't smacking me on the knees yet. Heh.) (And just so you know, my boobehs don't ACTUALLY hit my chin while running, but they do flop around quite a... oh nevermind, this is getting weird.)
Here I go!
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